
Online Journals of e21 Online Group

Internet Marketer

Well I’m     very tiredvery tired today, arrived   home nearly at 12 pm.

Yeah, that’s life.

So let the story, or this journals, continued,..

THen I began and attended the internet marketing course. I borrowed the money and wished that I will be succesful to be an internet marketer (to payback the money first!!)

The course itself isn’t bad, but another attendant doesn’t seem pretty excited with that. we learn about basic internet marketing, what the difficulties and prospects, and how to be an internet marketer. I think it’s a really good business to try, because of the prospects and a very nice skill to have.

Who’s not using internet anyway??

Surely my plan is, after finishing the course I will start my own online business. Maybe bookstore, or stationery, or property, well I have several ideas of mine.. So what will happen next, will I be successful??! 😀

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Searching for Inspiration

After I quit, and some ‘words of wisdom’ that reject my business proposal I’m tryin’ to search for some inspiration.

A better and good one.

It wasn’t easy right? Yeah if you don’t often think hard yourself to get a good “ideas”.
In my opinion,
if silent is gold, then the words of wisdom are diamond, but great ideas, are invaluable…
The first impression that came to mine is an internet. Internet business as an internet marketer. The future business LOL.
So I wanna seek some information first about it, and read several books. Then I got some meaning about it: vendor, market, and affiliates. Those three is the component of internet marketing.

For easier my task I even follow some course about internet marketing though, but what’s happen next??

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The Reason Why…

Cashflow QuadrantHey, maybe some friends wanna ask me why I choose to try own business, because maybe they think that working as an employee is far more comfortable, less stressed, and chance of getting income every month.

Stagnant. Boring. Less Creativity. Comfort Zone.

But imagine being a business owner. Well, I couldn’t accept the fact that most of people need some experience as an employee first. Hey, I have the experience right?? (though it less than a year :p ) I just don’t wanna do the same job again and again for the rest of my life, ordered to do so..
My motivation isn’t just money, but consider freedom of time, freedom of mind. That you wouldn’t get by being an employee forever. I didn’t say that being an employee is bad, but it’s only matter of choice 🙂
We have to prepare assets that can provide us passive income! I didn’t know either whether my dreams will became reality or not, but at least I have a plans, right?

For another info about Freedom of money and time you should ask (Robert) Kiyosaki, the Cashflow Quadrant author 😀

The Previous Job..

And this is the notes why I want to create my own business, because I quit, or being dropped out from my previous work which is being some credit officer in one of bank company. Basically the job is fine, but later I found its rather difficult to achieve the target customer (some people even think the target is not realistic though).
So as the often bored guy I quit.. No, I was dropped out by the company which was very embarrassing to me. But later I’m sure that it will give motivation on my next step.
I’ll prove my worth to the world!
A friend has gave me an advice: “so, quit from this job will provide you opportunity to try something new, you should find and develop your own talent. You’re still very young and can get far more experience outside, if you think positive” yeah maybe he is absolutely right, because surely we can create something more useful from our own talent. Spot on!

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The Beginning of the Story

beginning of the storyWhat is e21??

Well, I came up with this name while I think about what business I currently want to do. I have no appropriate experience and knowledge to run one. My parents just want me to do some job-seeking activity which really have no motivation to become an ordinary worker in some government or others private company or firms. I wanna try to run my own business..! (the Entrepreneur Wannabe…)

Basically my parents both are not a businessman, so in fact it’s pretty difficult on how to convince them to help me (at least for the start up budget of course, because I was currently have no money :p ). first I have an idea to make an internet cafe includes the game center, so the cost is pretty high to me.. So I make and analyzing the feasibility study, with location and market survey for my parents to see and accept. Furthermore for the name, I came up with the idea e21.net which several thought that it was pretty cool name.

So, you can imagine the outcome, my ‘desperate’ proposal was rejected without any doubts *sigh* and they suggest me to go with another job seeking opportunity in one of the local company… and to be continued on the next post 🙂

So for the rest of the story I hope I could write it all on my journals 🙂